Archive of the mysterious and inexplicable phenomena

Tunguska Meteorite

konstantin k. khazanovitch

Message for K. Khazanovitch  About K. Khazanovitch

some  little  known  details
and regularities of tunguska event

Russian version

Tunguska Meteorite. Discussion


About Tunguska event thousand articles are written, but till now researchers of this problem may not come to it's unequivocal interpretation. The purpose of this article to pay attention to some little-known details of the Tunguska phenomenon which, from my point of view, are key for understanding of a problem. However before we shall remind the reader some, necessary for the further statement, data on Tunguska Space Body (TSB).

What from itself represented TSB?

By results of the researches after 1958 in which many hundreds enthusiasts took part, substance TSB – iron and silicate balls-spherules in the size in the hundred and thousand shares of millimeter was found. The layers of peat-bogs appropriate to 1908 are enriched by these spherules. It is established, that the content in peat of such elements as nickel, cobalt, chrome, usually present in all meteorites, in 2-5 times more in tests near to an epicenter, than in distant. The same picture for such rare elements, as the titan, barium, ytterbium, zirconium...

According to the Italian researchers led by doctor D. Longo, visited on a place of accident in the beginning of 90-th years, the rings of trees appropriate to 1908 contain abnormal concentration of all elements, characteristic for meteorites of normal density: Fe, Ca, Al, Si, Au, Cu, S, Zn, Cr, P, Ba, Ti, Ni, C, O [1]. All these data unequivocally specify that TSB represented a meteoric body of iron-stony structure.

Calculations by I. T. Zotkin in 1969 and by L. Kresak in 1978 [2] have shown that TSB was fastest a fragment (a splinter or a nucleus) by comet Enke (fig. 1). This version makes clear why 10 days prior to Tunguska event in northern hemisphere were registered abnormal dawns and luminescence of an atmosphere: it has grown out of influence on the part of the ionized dust tail of a comet on the top layers of an atmosphere of the Earth as it is visible on fig. 1. Scientists still should explain a physical nature of this influence, but the fact remains: a night luminescence of an atmosphere was connected to an "aim" direction of a tail of a comet aside the Earth. And the more the trajectory of flight TSB came nearer to the Earth after June, 20, the scales of this influence were stronger. The similar optical phenomena were observed in the sky of the Earth and equally two years after when the Earth passed through a tail of Galley comet.

Fig.1. Scheme of rapprochement of Enke comet's fragment (Tunguska Space Body – TSB) with the Earth according to L. Kresak [2] with changes and additions by the author. Ciphers mark synchronous positions of the Earth and Tunguska body on their orbits. TSB's gas-dust tail in all positions has directed to the side FROM the Sun. As we can good see this tale in position N 12 (beginning of the 3-d decade of June) orients already to the Earth.

Line of flight above the Earth

Till now the so-called "paradoxes" following from indications of eyewitnesses about flight and explosion TSB are discussed. Prior to the beginning of 60-s' years there were two "authoritative" scientific versions about direction of TSB flight above Siberia: one belonged to I. S. Astapovich, and another – to E. L. Krinov (fig. 2). These variants were based on indications of eyewitnesses from which, however, nobody saw flight TSB in zenith, i.e. at themselves above a head.

Krinov's version was represented the most convincing in scientific circles, while the inhabitant of Vanavara village, teacher V. G. Konenkin, in the beginning of 60-s years has not carried out independent, "amateurish", investigation in a valley of Lower Tunguska river (fig. 2). Having interrogated here inhabitants of local villages during several hundreds kilometers, Konenkin has received surprising results: 1) eyewitnesses from village Preobrazhenka saw flight TSB at themselves above a head; 2) inhabitants of more northern villages observed flight TSB in the south from left to right (i.e. from the east to the west); 3) inhabitants of villages to the south of village Preobrazhenka saw flight TSB in the north from right to left, i.e. as from the east to the west. So, after almost 40 years after the beginning of researches of problem TSB the line of it's flight, at last, was finally established – it passed above village Preobrazhenka and was focused on west – northwest on an azimuth 300о [3].

Fig. 2. Lines of flight TSB according to various researchers: 1 – I. S. Astapovich (1933), 2 – E. L. Krinov (1949), 3 – V. G. Konenkin (1967). Apparently, initial (1) and true (3) variants of a line differ from each other almost on 90°. Fat points mark the main points of supervision. The arrow from the village Kezhma specifies a direction the Sun in 7.16 mornings on zone time or in 7.00 on solar time for this village and crosses a line (3) on distance about 500 km from a place of explosion. Roughly somewhere here, in a place of crossing of two lines, on distance about 550 km from Kezhma, also was TSB at the moment of it's supervision by exiled Naumenko.

And what about of indications which are not entered in this picture?

Let's result one example. Indications of the exiled T. N. Naumenko from village Kezhma are widely known. He asserted, that TSB was in a southeast, near the Sun, and that the bolide's tail crossed it's beams from the right side while the body was already from the left side, moving in northern direction.

Before to establish, in what direction and at what height was TSB on supervision from Kezhma, it is necessary to stipulate the following details. First, is necessary to remind, that the Earth, turning around about the axis on 360° for 24 hours, for 1 hour turns on 360 : 24 = 15°. As village Kezhma (longitude 101° East and latitude 59° North) is on 4° to the west of a meridian 105° on which the difference in with Greenvitch time makes 7 hours (105°: 15°/hour = 7 hours) also position of the Sun during Tunguska event it is necessary to determine here not on zone time (which corresponds to time for 105-th meridian), and on local solar, i.e. for 16 minutes later (101°: 15°/hour = 6,73 hour = 6 hour and 44 minutes) . It means, that if flight TSB in solar beams on zone time took place in 7.16 AM on local, "solar", time for village Kezhma this event took place at 7. 00. For this time also it is necessary to determine parameters of position of the Sun. Under computer program AstroLab I have found out, that in this day in 7.00 mornings inhabitants of village Kezhma saw the Sun at height 25o on an azimuth 86°, that is in east-northeast. It means, that Naumenko was mistaken in the estimations of a direction on TSB, as a minimum, on 50°. If to modify his data on this size we shall receive a direction of movement of a body not to the north, but on northwest (~310°), that already considerably is closer to true. The angular height on which was TSB, was less 25° as the bolide's trajectory crossed beams of the Sun, but did not cross it. Apparently on fig. 2, TSB at the moment of supervision from Kezhma in 7.16 AM on zone time, was on distance about 500 km from a place of explosion and in 550 km from a place of supervision. If to accept a corner of supervision TSB from Kezhma in 20° then the space newcomer was at height about 200 km, moving to a place of explosion (which has taken place at conditional height near 10 km) under a corner 16-17°.

Statements of some researchers about collision TSB with any other body is deprived any foundations: anybody from witnesses did not see two objects which are flying by simultaneously!

Morphological characteristics of TSB's explosion

Before to try to reply "As well as why there was explosion TSB?", we will address to indications of witnesses of explosion – what it had morphological characteristics on their data?

So, many observers of flight of a body approve, that at approach "a fiery ball with a tail" to horizon it has turned in "a fiery column", "a vertical fountain", a "spear". Physicist A. Nevsky [4] marks, that tens witnesses observing a fiery column, describe it's morphological characteristics in more details.Some of them observed a fire with pitchfork's shape as light cores which have died out in 1-2 seconds. Others, more close observers, in this fiery column have distinguished strips of red, dark blue and yellowish color. The another marked that the end of a column above was equal, and from top to bottom "rods" of identical width diverged. For some observes this column has reminded an oar, from one end as a boom, and from another – as a lump. "The column" has appeared instantly and as has instantly disappeared a bit later. It is important to note, anybody from witnesses does not describe any other morphological forms of first explosion's stage.

By the way, something similar was observed also by some eyewitnesses of Sikhote-Alin bolide. So, witness L. S. Savchuk has shown, that he saw "in the sky highly above – a smoke, and below – a fire falling vertically and extending to a bottom by arrows ("cords") [5]. But anybody yet has not given value to these indications.

Hypothesis of electrical discharge

Than to explain, what explosion TSB on the first stage had not the spherical form how it should be expected in case of it's thermal nature, but linear, vertical, obviously connecting TSB with a surface of the Earth?

It is possible to explain this feature only from positions of a hypothesis of an electric nature of explosion TSB. For the first time it was offered by physicist V. Soljanik at session of Astronomy Council of the USSR in 1951 [2]. His first publication on this theme has appeared after 8 years [6]. In this article the question was that meteoric bodies (MB) in an atmosphere of the Earth, similarly to planes, may accumulate on themselves a powerful electric charge which or reaches maximum permissible values, or enters in discharge interactions with a surface of the Earth; in both cases there is an explosion and destruction MB. Later, in 1978, physicist A. P. Nevsky has stated similar ideas [7, 8].

The hypothesis of electrical discharge has found to itself a lot of confirmations. First, it was established that on a place of Tunguska accident magnetic soil's reversal is fixed. It means, that at the moment of explosion on a surface of the ground the powerful magnetic (electromagnetic) field changing paleomagnetic properties of ground was imposed. From positions of a considered hypothesis this circumstance easily speaks.

Second, in an epicenter of explosion many trees have traces of defeat of trunks as vertical or twisting cracks of significant depth. These damages are subdivided on [9]:

Severe orientation of damages is absent, aside an epicenter of explosion some of them are directed only. It, and also the twisting of cracks around of trunks, speaks that the reason of their formation might not be the directed light burn. Some trees have similar cracks in several places and are focused in the various sides.

Still L. Kulik assumed, that these cracks are traces of impacts of the lightning accompanied Tunguska event [10]. Supporters of an electrodischarge nature of explosion TSB these data, as though, did not use. But ufologist V. Chernobrov who has visited in 1996 on a place of accident, has found out in an epicenter of explosion slot-hole traces of defeat in 80 % of the trees which have survived accident, and has confirmed L. Kulik's point of view. In other side, on the basis of erroneous reasoning he assumes nature TSB as UFO on foundation that it, ostensibly, "let out electric discharges (lightnings) during 2 – 15 minutes, and all this time hung above an epicenter, instead of moved with huge speed". But to this treatment we still shall return below.

Electrophonic phenomena accompany with TSB's flight

Flight of an electrophonic bolides is accompanied by abnormal sounds – rumble, singing, hissing, rustle, crash, hum, a sound of a torn fabric, noise of the sand falling on the leaves, etc. The main feature of these sounds consists that they may precede visual supervision of bolides or accompany with its flight that does not allow to identify them with usual acoustic waves. It is typical, that domestic animals, and sometimes and people, begin to show anxiety before visual occurrence of bolide, reacting on power influence proceeding from it.

V. A. Bronshten, V. S. Grebennikov and D. D. Garbunsky have published in 1988 the catalogue electrophonic bolides, observed on our planet in the period with 1683 on 1984 [11]. In the catalogue appear 343 bolides, but to the largest and most known of them is not devoted lines! How to be spoken, they have not noticed the elephant!

And meanwhile indications of witnesses about which, apparently, the specified authors of nothing knew, undoubtedly testify that Tunguska bolide was electrophonic. Only some of them are below.

Settlements on the Lower Tunguska river.

Preobrazhenka village. S. D. Permjakov has seen, how above village, from a southeast on northwest, has flown by "a fiery sheaf "; thus any noise and a rumble was audible.

Settlement Erbogachen. F. S. Farkov first of all has heard any roar, and then has seen in the south "a fiery sheaf ".

Settlement Moga. M. S. Farkova first of all has heard noise, and then has seen flying "a fiery sheaf ".

Area of village Kezhma

A. K. Brjuhanov has heard noise, has jumped out of a bath and has seen dark blue, green, red and orange strips in the sky.

T. N. Naumenko (already mentioned above) has heard remote, hardly audible sound of a thunder remote which gradually began to amplify. Having turned in a direction on a sound, he has seen, that "on a direction on the north a little bit oblong fiery-white mass as little cloud with irregular-shaped flied.

S.N. Privalihin from Kova village (to the south of Kezhma) all over again has heard as though a strong shot from a gun – has turned and has seen "flying ignition" with dark blue strips behind.

This list of indications could and be continued, but also so becomes obvious, that Tunguska bolide was, undoubtedly, electrophonic.

The carried out analysis electrophonic phenomena of TSB has shown, that they, under evidences of eyewitnesses, represented a rumble (41 persons), noise (45), hissing, howl (6), hum (14), crash (14) [12].

It is interesting to note reaction to an evidences of eyewitnesses electrophonic phenomena TSB from the side of the scientists. So, E. L. Krinov (from his book "The Tunguska meteorite", 1949, the above-stated indications are taken) had next point of view: the description of the thunder accompanying flight is connected to discrepancy and aspiration of eyewitnesses to change a sequence of the phenomena, in this case – to unit the light and sound phenomena in one moment of time. To put it briefly, he used well-known to us a "scientific" principle – "it may not be because it may not be never!". The similar attitude to the electrophonic phenomena was widely distributed among the Soviet scientists, and echoes of it to be heard also till now.

And now we shall proceed to consideration of those details of Tunguska accident to which earlier researchers either did not pay attention, or did not find for them convincing explanations.

Electromagnetic influences

Last decades it is marked, that many electrophonic bolides are sources of electromagnetic disturbances in an atmosphere and on a surface of the Earth and create hindrance in a work of electro-, radio and TV– equipment.

So, for example, at flight of Sikhote-Alin' bolide in 1947 were the first evidence of such electromagnetic influences is received: the adjuster repairing wires on a switched-off telephone line, during bolide's flash has received strong impact by a current. Flight of this bolide also was accompanied by the electrophonic phenomena. 25 eyewitnesses simultaneously with visual supervision of a body heard characteristic sounds: noise of flying birds, buzz of the plane, a sibilant roar, hum, singing etc. [5].

And in settlements of Southern Siberia above which flew by February 26, 1984 Chulym electrophonic bolide, steady television hindrances were marked, fused electric bulbs (in one log hut the whole four bulbs has fused), blinked or temporarily street illumination was disconnected. It is interesting to note that photo cells of automatic switching-off of illumination at the airport has fused that is possible at a voltage of an electric current more than 100 V/cm [13]. Hence, the voltage induced by bolide an electric current exceeded this size!

With electromagnetic radiation thermal sensations at some witnesses of Chulym bolide and also painful sensations and deterioration of state of health connect also.

By the way, about thermal sensations at Tunguska accident. In Vanavara village (about 80 km from an epicenter of explosion) some person describe similar sensations. So, S. B. Semenov was engaged in work, sitting on the house porch with the face to the north: "Sky was moved apart on the big space, all its northern part was covered with fire, – he tells. – At this moment to me began so hotly, that there was no patience, as if on me the shirt has lit up... I wanted was to break off and take off it from myself, but at this moment the sky has slammed (a light crack went out – К.K.) strong impact also was distributed, and me has dumped on the ground".

Other inhabitant of this settlement, P. P. Kosolapov, was in a court yard of a house when suddenly something has strong burned of his ears. Having seized by them and thinking, that the roof burns, he has lifted a head and has asked of his neighbor S. B. Semenov sitting on the porch: "You that, saw something?" "How to not see, – that has answered, - too it seemed to me, that me as though was enveloped in heat".

There are indications, that Kosolapov was at the southern wall of a house shielding him from radiations from northern side. This circumstance gives some researchers TSB the basis persistently to not recognize eastern variant of a line of flight TSB and to hope on southern.

M. N. Tsymbal and V. E. Shnitke [14] analyzing these messages write that the stream of heat at the moment of explosion TSB does not find an explanation. Whether invariable there is a question : is this stream connected to the strong electromagnetic or electrostatic radiation proceeding from a column of the plasma discharge? It is natural, that walls of a wooden log hut to this radiation might not hinder.

There is an other parameter of electromagnetic influence from the side of TSB – the seismic perturbations previous to explosion. We shall consider them now.

Seismic perturbations in "sensible" zones

One more prominent feature of electrophonic bolides is known: at their flight activation of the seismic phenomena as concussions of the ground (underground impacts, pushes etc.) is sometimes observed. The similar phenomena were observed, for example, at flight of Sikhote-Alin' body. Undoubtedly, that these phenomena were connected and to flight TSB. How differently it is possible to explain tremors which have woken Tunguska reindeer breeders peacefully sleeping in their tents of skins near an epicenter of the future explosion?

In what sequence events under description Akulina Luchetkan developed: 1) have woken up from a strong push, began to get out of bags, have risen... 2) have felt the second push, got on the ground... 3) have heard noise, "someone rattled and knocked in tent of skins" and only after all it there was an explosion: it became suddenly bright, thunderous impacts were distributed and has flown a whirlwind.

And what sequence of the phenomena was described by brothers Shanjagir' taking place in the same area: 1) have woken up from push... 2) have heard the singing reminding flight of birds: "Do you hear, how much ducks flies or loons? " – has asked one of another... (undoubtedly, that it was the electrophonic phenomena which have outstripped flight of a body); have felt second, stronger push (it was already explosion), and got on the ground; it was audible, as forest fell – very strong thunderclap was distributed.

Other representative of family Shanjagir' who are taking place with his family in a mouth of Chamba river: 1) dogs have begun to howl, children have begun to cry (very important fact! Most soon it is a reaction to electromagnetic influence from the side of TSB)... 2) someone began to knock on the ground under of the tent of skins and to swing it... 3) someone to shoot began strongly from the guns ... 4) a strong push in the ground, fallen down eyewitnesses from legs ...; further go, probably, already consequences of explosion: new strong push – strong thunderclap – a whirlwind which was bringing down trees. All these indications are taken from [15].

These indications were repeatedly considered by various researchers, but most of them till now did not pay attention that the whole series of pushes preceded explosion of TSB. What reasons might promote display of these seismic perturbations, we shall learn after consideration of one more riddle of TSB.

Epicenter of explosion and ancient volcano

Researchers of TSB phenomenon till now puzzle over the reason of almost ideal concurrence of an epicenter of explosion TSB with a muzzle of a Triassic volcano, nowadays – Stojkovich mountain (fig. 3). From positions, which last 10 years are developed by the author of this article, this concurrence finds convincing (as it seems to him) an explanation, proceeding from the following reasons. The charged meteoric body induces a charge of an opposite (negative) mark on a surface of a planet.

Fig.3. Geological map of the Tunguska event's district [26, with simplifications by the author]. Legend: 1 – quaternary deposits (Q4); 2, 3 – volcanic rocks of early Triassic age – basalts, dolerites, tuffs (2) and tuffs mainly (3); 4 – accessory volcanic channels (muzzles); 5 – rocks of late Permian age: gravelly sandstones, sandstones and aleurolites, acrossed by volcano; 6 – faults; 7 – epicenter of Tunguska explosion.

Arrow is a line of Tunguska flight's trajectory. SM – Stojkovitch Mountain, corresponding to the main, central of volcano's crater (muzzle).

In turn, this charge enters into interaction with strong electric fields in bowels of the Earth. That is why at flight of many bolides seismic perturbations are observed: the charge induced by bolide initiates electrodischarge processes in the Earth bowels – so-called "underground thunder-storms", about which wrote: in the beginning of XX-th century the known researcher of terrestrial electricity George Dari [16], and in a middle of century – famous Tomsk physicist A. A. Vorob'ev [17]. It is necessary to note, that not only natural, but also some technogenic bolides are carrier of a strong electric charge. With the last, most soon, the huge fiery sphere which November, 16, 1984 has arisen at height of 59 km around of spacecraft "Space-Shuttle" (SS) at it's returning to the Earth when it's speed in 16 times exceeded speed of sound was connected. However about an opportunity of initiation by flying devices of seismic perturbations it became known only in December, 1992 when next returning SS in an atmosphere of the Earth has caused from height of 60-70 km easy pushes in state Washington in Northwest of USA that was precisely fixed by regional seismic station [18].

The explanation of this circumstance may not be given without taking into account all available data on connection of the meteoric and seismic phenomena testify against interpretation of this connection as of result of an acoustic wave's action.

What can be expected in case in a zone of power influence of a meteoric body there is such "a sensitive zone", how, for example, a muzzle of an ancient volcano? Similar geological bodies represent extended on some tens kilometers channels from terrestrial bowels on which under the certain critical conditions there may be an instant redistribution of a underground electricity to a surface of the Earth and, as consequence of it, powerful electrodischarge processes between a meteoric body and bowels of a planet which may and destroy the space newcomer. From this point of view it was necessary to look for material evidences of explosion TSB not in hollows of a relief as it was made till now, but on Stojkovich mountain – the main muzzle of an ancient volcano (see publications of the author [19-22]).

It is important to note, that researchers of Tunguska accident already for a long time came to a conclusion, that explosion of a body was not instant: TSB moved, blowing up, at least, 15-20 km to what testifies the elliptical, extended along a projection of a trajectory, form of area of the burn caused by explosion. And it means, that the first explosions (or the first explosion) just and have appeared somewhere on east border paleovulcano (see fig. 3). What is it – the next accident? Or, most soon, one more law not realized by researchers?

How many was explosions?

There are foundations to believe, that explosion TSB was not one-act process – the territory with traces of burns on trees has not the circular form as it should be at one-act explosion, and as it was already spoken, is extended along a line of fall TSB on 15-20 km to the east. To what eyewitnesses of accident testify?

The majority of the witnesses who are taking place for hundreds of kilometers from an epicenter, as a rule, was heard with three thunderous impacts, after which the sounds reminding artillery or gun shooting (in connection with the distance from to observers).

What it were for three strongest impacts? At once we shall reject one of them as recognized is the sound of a ballistic wave was. We frequently hear similar sounds in our life when supersonic fighters fly by above our heads. The truth while it is not clear what under the account was this impact.

There are two more strong impacts. One of them, undoubtedly, is connected to final destruction of a body as a result of high-altitude electric discharge. According to A. P. Nevsky [7, 8], at this explosion two sources of it's external displays should take place. First, development of the multichannel discharge between TSB and the ground should result in formation of flash huge multikilometer superbright column after which in the sky some time the luminous trace should be observed. Such allocation of huge energy in cylindrical volume should result, in opinion of Nevsky, to formation super-power cylindrical shock wave. He also connects the second thunderous impact to this wave. The third, from his point of view, is connected to explosion and destruction of the most meteoric body. To you and three impacts.

However it is difficult for itself to imagine, that between the second impact (formation of an electrodischarge column) and the third (explosion itself TSB) existed any time interval which might be fixed on hearing by eyewitnesses of accident. Most soon, that these both events have taken place during the tenth or 100-th shares of second, and incorporated from two sources, the powerful sound wave was set in all sides on many hundreds kilometers. Hence, there are foundations to consider, that the third thunderous impact is connected to last stage of development of accident only. To what then the second is connected?

I. S. Astapovich results in one of his articles [24] indications of the professional observer what the worker of a meteorological station in village Kezhma A. N. Kokorin was. He has written down in his magazine that in memorable morning he observed in the north (on a place of explosion TSB) occurrence of two fiery circles of the huge sizes. Unfortunately, Kokorin did not see the explosion, and observed only its consequences, however the fact of occurrence of two circles, naturally, results us to idea, as explosions was TWO!

These considerations are supported with messages of those eyewitnesses which observed explosion not under a oblique corner to a trajectory of flight TSB, that is from the east or a southeast, but under the big corner to it – from the south or a southwest. So, if inhabitants of rivers Lower Tunguska and Lena (Kirensk), taking place to the east from a place of explosion, asserted, that saw one "a fiery column" or "a fiery spear", observers from trading station Tetere saw in the north from themselves "fiery columns" (their quantity is not underlined, but it is important, that the column was not one). And according to M. F. Romanov's indications, the inhabitant of village Nizhne-Ilimsk (to the south from a place of explosion), the fiery sphere which flied on a direction from a southeast on northwest, coming nearer to the ground has taken the form from above and from below of flattened out sphere. Coming nearer even closer to the ground, this sphere looked like two fiery columns [25].

So, there are foundations to believe, that to the main thing, destructive, explosion TSB was preceded with one more explosion connected to formation of the first multichannel electric discharge at entry TSB in a zone of Triassic volcano. At distance from east border of this volcano up to an epicenter of the main explosion, equal about 20 km, and probable speed of movement TSB – 10-20 km /s; the time interval between these acoustic events should make 1-2 seconds. In view of time what to a sound wave is necessary to overcome 20 km, inhabitants of east areas, for example pool of Lower Tunguska, should hear 3-rd thunderous i mpact approximately in 1 minute after the second (20000м : 330 м/s = 61 s = 1 minute). Eyewitnesses of accident, living to a southwest from it's epicenter, most soon, have not fixed any interval between 2-nd and to 3-rd explosions – for them all should merge in one long thunderous peal. And, really, the same "the reliable witness" meteorologist Kokorin from village Kezhma (on a south – southwest from a place of accident) in the cannonade which has reached him does not allocate any separate sounds: "Then sounds and a crash, similar to shots from enormous instruments from which shivered frames have followed, – he testifies. – These shots proceeded 2 minutes".

And, at last, the gun or artillery firing which has finished all acoustic phenomena, connected to explosion. This "firing" after the main thunderous impacts was heard in various areas. In more approached to a place of explosion it was estimated any more as gun, but as artillery. What processes might be connected to occurrence of these sounds?

А. Nevsky considers, that from positions of an electrodischarge nature of explosion TSB "artillery shooting" speaks that the electrodischarge occurs on numerous channels. However this explanation remains not clear: you see the main body as a result of the electrodischarge has already blown up – what additional discharges might take place after some minutes after the main explosion?

In this occasion it is possible to make observation the following: the "gun" cannonade was connected not with TSB – it to this time already simply did not exist! After explosion of a body on it's place there should be a huge ionized gas-dust cloud; it that and hanged over a place of accident and, similarly to a thundercloud, any time was the carrier of a powerful electric charge. "The gun cannonade" represented a long series of electric discharges (lightnings) between this cloud and a terrestrial surface. By the way, eyewitnesses most nearest to the place of event confirm this version, informing about the storm phenomena proceeding after the main explosion. For example, brothers Shanagir', already mentioned by me above, taking place at the moment of accident near it's epicenter, inform: after very strong second thunderclap after which the ground began to twitch and shake, and the strong gale-force wind has tumbled down a wood, "suddenly above mountain where the wood has already fallen, it became strongly bright – as if the second Sun has appeared; it became hurt eyes, I even have closed them. That Russian name lightnings was similar. And at once – strong thunder. Above, but already on the other place, has again sparkled and again has strongly struck. Has flown a wind, has brought down with legs... Watched falling trees as broke tops them ... Suddenly Chekaren has cried: "Look upwards" and has shown a hand. There I have seen a lightning, it has flashed and has again struck...".

So, already after there were main explosions, tumbled down a wood, the powerful "storm" phenomena with a thunder and lightning proceeded. Apparently, they that also were a source of those sound effects (a "artillery" or "gun" cannonade) which heard so many witnesses of destruction of the space newcomer.

No, it was not "spaceship"!

As the facts, that are hard to take in frameworks of space body flight, some researchers result some cases of the suspicious increased duration of the phenomenon, that as they mean, testifies against natural genesis TSB. On this basis mentioned above ufologist V. Chernobrov judges long lag (about 15 minutes) the object which was let out lightnings above an epicenter of explosion, and in this connection consider it as technogenic body [25]. The first it is necessary to consider extremely valuable records in magazine of supervision for June, 1908 which were conducted by employee of meteorological station already mentioned above A. K. Kokorin in village Kezhma:

"In 7 AM in the north have appeared two fiery circles of the huge sizes; in 4 minutes from the beginning of occurrence circles have disappeared; soon after disappearance of fiery circles the strong noise similar to noise of a wind which went from the north on the south was audible; noise proceeded about 5 minutes. Then sounds and a crash, similar to shots from enormous instruments from which shivered frames have followed. These shots proceeded 2 minutes, and after them the crash similar to a shot from a gun was issued. These last proceeded 2 minutes...".

Making comments on this message, supporters of an artificial nature of object believe, that general time of noise and shots – 10 minutes – too much for natural object. However, thus range from Kezhma to a place of explosion TSB – 210 km – is not taken into account. Time for sound passes this distance is: 210 000 m : 330 m/s = 636s = 10,6 minutes. Kokorin observed fiery circles (4 mines), and "soon" after their disappearance (we shall estimate it "soon" conditionally 0,5 minutes) listened to electrophonic sounds: noise of wind (5 minutes); the explosive sound wave has reached him after 9,5 minutes from the beginning of supervision (4+0,5+5); hence, these supervision have begun after 1,1 minutes after explosion (10,6 – 9,5 = 1,1). So we here do not find any abnormal duration of development of the phenomenon.

Let's consider one more supervision which, from the point of view of supporters of artificial nature TSB, supposedly "flied very slowly". "In settlement Lower Karelinskoe (about 200 km from Kirensk to the north) peasants have seen on northwest, it is rather high above horizon, any it is extremely strong (the body luminous by white bluish light moving within 10 minutes from the top downward was impossible to look). The body was represented as "a pipe", that is cylindrical..." – somebody S. Kulesh has written to the newspaper "Siberia" from July, 2, 1908. Clearly, that ten minutes of flight – too much for a space body.

Observers from settlement Lower Karelinskoe, as against of Kokorin from Kezhma, were very close to TSB trajectory's line. By the given message, supervision of the Body began already after it has passed above settlement close from zenith and has moved on northwest. Here that it, at last, also was noticed by inhabitants of this village. Duration of supervision – 10 minutes – is most soon overestimated. As mark [27], the polling data especially received through long time after supervision of the meteoric phenomenon, almost always show rough overestimate of it's duration. Casual eyewitnesses not having to scientific preparation (with what, probably, also it is necessary to consider of peasants of village Karelinskoe) give an estimation of duration of the meteoric phenomenon, measuring by minutes and more.

However it is possible, that these data are true and that the increased duration of supervision from this village is connected by that flight of a body, on the one hand, and the light effects connected to it's explosion (the electric discharge's light column, the arisen explosive cloud, precipitated on the ground within 10 minutes or more powerful electric discharges – lightnings), observers have regarded as the uniform phenomenon. However it does not testify at all for the benefit of the version ufologist V. Chernobrov to long lag TSB (UFO) above a place of explosion.

Thus, any serious bases to speak about artificial nature TSB both was not, and is not present.

* * *

Not clear questions in a problem of explosion TSB still more very many, and I, naturally, did not put before myself a task to answer all from them. However it is represented abundantly clear, that without taking into account the considered details and regularities of Tunguska accident it's true nature is finally established may not be.


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Tunguska Meteorite. Discussion

© K. Khazanovitch

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